Wholesome Django 🥰💻 #0012

May 9, 2021

As you all know, the pandemic has been wreaking havoc here in India. Our team at DelightChat decided to do something to help with the situation.

Last week we partnered with TheProductFolks to repurpose DelightChat into a WhatsApp bot + a tool used by volunteers to help people get access to resources for those in need. 

This is how the bot looks:

After this, a volunteer will take this up and coordinate with the necessary folks to arrange an ambulance for this person.

On the DelightChat dashboard, it looks something like this:

About 50 votuneers have joined so far and are currently helping people using the DelightChat dashboard!

When a user selects any option from this menu, a corresponding tag is automatically added to this ticket and a volunteer is automatically assigned to it.

This initiative has enabled us to be useful in some way as opposed to feeling helpless while the situation gets worse and people all over the country are dying. It has helped us retain our sanity.

If anybody reading this needs help with anything related to the pandemic, please send a message to wa.me/+919353373060.

What I wrote this week

While implementing the changes within DelightChat to enable the above bot flow, I came across a requirement of having the ability to create teams within the system and add different volunteers to different teams.

This led me to write some serializers that included foreign key relations, so I decided to write a blog post on how to represent model relationships in Django serializers.

See you next Sunday ✌️