Wholesome Django 🥰💻 #0002

February 14, 2021

Happy Sunday!

Welcome to the first real edition of Wholesome Django 🤗. Before we start off, I would like to thank you for choosing to spend a few minutes of your Sunday to read my content.

I was always interested in the origin stories of successful organisations. This not only includes companies like google and Amazon but also open source programming languages and frameworks that have a huge community built around them.

The story of the Django web framework started in the office of the Lawrence Journal-World - a daily newspaper company back in 2003. 

They had an online news website called lawrence.com which was written in PHP. Web developers Adrian Holovaty and Simon Wilson were fed up (2003 was not a good year to be maintaining large websites in PHP) and decided to switch to python.

Their original intention was to create a content management system using python, to support lawrence.com more efficiently. However, like all good things usually do, one thing led to another and a new web framework was born.

Adrian decided to name this framework after his favourite jazz guitarist - Django Reinhardt

The jazz guitarist who was the namesake for Django

The fascinating thing for me is that something that was created to power an online newspaper is now powering Instagram. That’s right, Instagram is built using Django.

What I wrote this week

It occurred to me that if I want to theme a newsletter around Django, the first thing I should do is tell people why I think it is a good idea to use Django.

With that thought, I penned down some thoughts on why you should be using Django in 2021.

Interesting finds from the depths of the internet

Some funny comic strips every programmer will relate to.

Ever wanted to show somebody exactly what you are seeing on your screen but with annotations?

Want to do some pottery without getting your hands dirty or moving from your seat?

Mastercard might be getting into cryptocurrency? Should have held onto that bitcoin.

Wholesome incident of the week

Linkedin connection requests are one of the most common things in today's world. If you end up accepting the request, some folks usually reply with a “thanks for the connect” and other folks directly get to the point and tell you why they wanted to connect.  

A couple of days ago I got a connection request from Jean-Paul who was in the same Shopify app developers group as I was on facebook. Upon accepting his request, he sent me this:

This caught my attention so much that we actually ended up having a pleasant conversation (which is rare on linkedin if you know what I mean).

A Wholesome request

This is my first attempt at a newsletter, so I would be beyond thrilled if you hit me back with a feedback email. What did you like? What did you hate? etc. This will help me improve in the next one.

It has been proven that the best way to grow a newsletter is via word of mouth, so If you felt like this piece of content added value to your life, please tell other people.

You could share these links on twitter and WhatApp or forward this email.

See you next Sunday ✌️